Archive for 'arthritis'

Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment

Osteoporosis in women is a growing public health challenge with an aging population. New approaches are needed to prevent and treat decreases in bone density and strength. Two recent articles present different and potentially complementary approaches.

Diet: Lanou reviews the studies on soy diets for the prevention of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Although the results are not consistent, soy based diets that are part of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables appear to be effective. Other studies have suggested that such a diet has a wide range of health promoting effects. Although there is not yet strong enough evidence to suggest that everyone become a vegetarian, at least for women, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables and having soy in your diet, is a good idea.
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New possibilities for painful knees

The body can sometimes heal itself in painful conditions. A study of patients with painful osteoarthritis of the knee showed that by mechanically separating the bones in the knee that were touching and causing pain, cartilage regrew and pain and function improved. No other treatment is available that can produce structural change in an existing osteoarthritic joint. This is a potentially revolutionary discovery, and if shown to be effective in larger studies, may help patients with knee pain avoid or forestall knee replacement surgery. And give at least some temporary pain relief.

~ Norman Marcus, MD
Norman Marcus Pain Institute, New York NY
“Your New York City Pain Relief Doctor”


Is chronic back pain adequately treated?

I just read an article on the under treatment of chronic pain with the most common associated disease states listed as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sickle–cell anemia. Since physical deconditioning is fraught with many serious negative consequences, such as obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and diabetes in addition to be being a cause of most common pain problems, it should probably rank as a form of disease.
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Activity and quality of life

A recent article showed that even gentle but regular physical activity in middle aged women reduced the incidence of hip fractures. Lack of exercise contributes to many of the health problems with which we are confronted- obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, dementia, arthritis, and osteoporosis. At a time when the cost of health care is so important to each of us as Americans, awareness of inexpensive interventions and self responsibility for our well being should be foremost in our minds.

Proper exercise should take into account your level of conditioning before you begin any program. Many new exercisers will strain their weak or stiff muscles causing pain and disillusionment with their new found passion and quit. Remember the most important thing about your exercise plan is that you are able to and actually return for your next scheduled session.
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