The patient mentioned in the blog posted in March, 2011 copied me on an email he sent:

“I’ve been waiting for clearance from my surgeon who finally declared my fusion as failed (FBSS) in early March and offered no additional hope for pain reduction. At one-year post surgery I could be evaluated for an implanted morphine pump or spinal cord stim. Pain management started experimenting with oxymorphone and hydromorphone, which both had bad side effects and were less effective than the oxycodone. I’ve had the first two weeks of treatments with Dr. Marcus. The first week he did my left side lower back and leg, this Monday he did the right side lower and mid back. Pain reduction is at least 90%! I have much more energy, am more active and I’m beginning to feel flexible. He is also working on my mid-back and legs. I’ve been able to reduce oxycodone from ~180mg+/day to 60-80mg/day.”

Looking for and treating muscles as a source of your persisitent pain may help you even if you have been told there is no hope for significant reduction or elimination of your pain. It is impossible to know what benefit you can achieve, no matter what you have been told is the reason for your pain, if muscles as a source of pain have not been considered.

~ Norman Marcus, MD
Norman Marcus Pain Institute, New York NY

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